You might have heard the news about how water across Canada could contain lead. For many parents like me, this is really heartbreaking to know that your kids may not be consuming safe water at school. The problem might be bigger than just lead and there are actually other contaminants like disposed hormones or antibiotics and drugs that will end up to our water supply; even though these may be still within the limits the compounding effect and long term exposure makes them a problem especially for the kids.

But what Can I do?
1) Test! first, you need to know if your water is safe or not. You can test your water by sending samples to a lab or using a water test kit. If your water is not safe, then follow these:
2) Get rid of your old faucets and pipes as soon as you can
3) Buy a good filtration system
4) Buy filtered water from a local supplier
5) Carry your reusable bottle filled with safe water around, this is also important for your kids.
6) Ask your city for tighter water quality regulations and more frequent testing especially in public places like schools.
Access to clean drinking water is a human right according to United Nations resolution 64/292.